Mentalidad Positiva con
Positive Mindset with
inteligencia emocional
Emotional Intelligence
Empresarial Life Coach
Entrepreneurial Life Coach
Certificada y Completamente Confidencial
Certified and Completely Confidential
Mari Arriola es tu Entrenadora De Vida
No esperes mas, desliza la diosa Empoderada que llevas dentro. Deja que Mari Arriola te guie en tu trayectoria para convertirte en la Mujer Audaz que llevas dentro. Si sientes que no tienes suficiente auto confianza, o quieres elevar tu autoestima animate, inscribete a su taller de desarrollo personal. Mejorarás tus relaciones con los demás. Maneja tus emociones, para que no te saquen de tus casillas. Supera tu estado mental para vivir una vida feliz y saludable. Todo esto y mucho más.
Mari Arriola is your Life Coach
Don't wait any longer, unleash the Empowered goddess inside you. Let Mari Arriola guide you on your journey to becoming the Audacious Woman within you. If you feel that you do not have enough self-confidence, or want to raise your self-esteem, empower yourself, sign up for your personal development workshop. You will improve your relationships with others. Manage your emotions, so that your emotions don't manage you. Overcome your mental state to live a happy and healthy life. All this and much more.
Un Poco Sobre esta, Mujer Audaz
A little bit about this Audacious Woman
Born in a small suburb of Chicago, Illinois, Mari Arriola grew up with Mexican immigrant parents, (Proudly First Generation) among the American culture. She grew up trying the best of both worlds. You already know, right? The Fritters and the Pizza, the Churros and also the hamburgers. She was interested in the medical field at a young age.
Desarrollo la habilidad de interpretar entre el Español y el Inglés. Habilidad que le abrió la puerta a trabajar como asistente médica. Con el tiempo destacó otros talentos. Super diestra con las agujas, la mejor en su campo. Se casó y fue alcanzando metas sobre desafíos que el universo y la sociedad brindan. Como suele pasar, ella sentia que as su vida le faltaba sabor. Fue ahí en donde empezó su encuesta sobre la conciencia positiva.
She developed the ability to interpret between Spanish and English. A skill that opened the door to working as a medical assistant. Over time she honed in other talents. Super skilled with needles, the best in her field. She got married and was achieving goals over challenges that the universe and society provide. As it often happens, she felt that her life lacked flavor and spice. That was where her quest for a positive mindset began.
El conocimiento la marcó tan profundamente que decidió convertirse en Coach personal. Su especialidad es Empoderamiento Femenino y desarrollo personal, Inteligencia Emocional y Mentalidad Positiva. Deja Que la Mujer Audaz, Mari Arriola, te ayude a deslizar la Divina Emperatriz Empoderada que llevas dentro.
The knowledge marked her so deeply that she decided to become a Life coach. Her specialty is Female Empowerment and personal development, Emotional Intelligence and Positive Mindset. Let the Audacious Woman, Mari Arriola, help you unleash the Divine Empowered Empress within you.
Proud Member and Contributing Editor of
the Chicago Latina Magazine
& Business Foundation